I received my Bachelor’s degree in Psychology at Harvard University, and attended graduate school in San Francisco at the California School of Professional Psychology (CSSP) to obtain my doctorate in Clinical Psychology, with a specialization in treating Children, Adolescents and Families, as well as a concentration in Multi-Cultural Psychology.
Currently, I have a private practice in Providence, Rhode Island where I work with adolescents, adults, couples and families. My therapy clients are seeking support for a wide range of difficulties such as anxiety, depression, Bi-polar, OCD, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, ADHD, Substance Abuse, Life Cycle and Relationship issues, Technology Addiction and problematic use.
In working with therapy clients, I utilize approaches and strategies appropriate and effective for each individual client, family or couple. This means that I am often eclectic in my approach, drawing on elements of attachment theory and psychodynamic ideas, while generally employing a more direct cognitive-behavioral and solution-focused approach.
I am a systems thinker and therefore, I may invite you to consider how your personal culture and identity, as well as certain elements of the mainstream American culture, may influence your perception of your difficulties. I consider it a privilege that people share their most intimate struggles, desires and dreams with me, and nothing is more rewarding than participating in and witnessing another human being’s growth and relief from suffering.
My coaching clients are seeking support to break new ground in a particular area of their lives or to find strategies that silence the inner critic stifling their creativity and potential. Coaching is about enhancing the vividness and accessibility of whatever you envision your purpose to be. For example, if your goal is to be a better manager or leader, we will explore through various approaches and exercises what that means to you, looks like to you, how it feels, how you can embody that right now, and how to cope with the parts of you that are driven by fear of failing and/or fear of succeeding at being the best manager or leader you can be.
In addition to my work in therapy and coaching, I am a Teaching Associate of Medical Sciences at the Warren Alpert Medical School at Brown University. I am also available as a consultant, presenter and workshop leader in the area of Technology Addiction. Please see the Technology Addictions Tab for more information about my specialty in this area and services provided.
1. Graduate of Harvard University, B.A., 1996
2. Graduate of California School of Professional Psychology, Child and Family Track, San Francisco, CA, 2005.
3. Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Children’s Hospital and Research Center Oakland, CA, 2006
4. Teaching Associate of Medical Science, Warren Alpert Medical School, Brown University, 2015-Present
5. Brown University Outstanding Teaching Award, 2018
6. Over 100 hours of Co-Active Coaches Training
7. Presenter at the 2019 New England Fathering Conference….Confronting Cyberaddiction: Unplugging Teens from Their Screens
“In all of my therapeutic work, I start from a belief that you are the expert on your own life and that you are naturally creative, resourceful and whole. We will work together to fully understand the nature and origins of what’s challenging you, so we can then identify specific and meaningful goals together.”